
Buddhist repentance rituals

Is swearing an oath useful? How can one's repentance be effective?

An oath is a promise that you will do something without fail, while a vow is an aspiration to do something. A vow is a driving force that helps us work toward our goal. In contrast, a malicious oath is a foolish and sinful act that harms oneself and others, but it can be remedied if we repent and reform. We should emulate the Buddha or the bodhisattvas in making vows to deliver all sentient beings, cut off all afflictions, learn all the Buddhist teachings, and ultimately attain Buddhahood.


Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower

Development of self {Stage 3: Controlling our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower} Constantly observe and monitor our mental activities. Learn to gain better control of our states of mind ...

07 Contemplating the Five Aggregates as Empty in Nature (II)

Five Aggregates constitute the physical and mental aspects of human beings and are constantly changing, and thus empty in nature.

How does Buddhadharma help people with terminal illnesses?

When death is unavoidable, accept it calmly. Lead a normal life with faith and "ordinary mind" and recite the Buddha's name. In this way we can live our last days with peace of mind. ...