
Reciting Sutras

- What Can We Do When We Encounter Demons or Ghosts? - Why Is Reciting Sutras Helpful for Non-Buddhists?

What Can We Do When We Encounter Demons or Ghosts?

The Hear Sutra and the Diamond Sutra illustrate the Buddhist concept of emptiness and non-existence, which is the key to......

Why Is Reciting Sutras Helpful for Non-Buddhists?

And what if a house is huanted by a foreign ghost?


How to break down the barriers of our mind ?

The barriers of our mind come from our five mental afflictions: greed, aversion, ignorance, arrogance and doubt. If we can transform the five mental afflictions into the mind of cultivation by bein...

Eliminating emotional attachment by changing our thinking

We can reduce our desires by following the Dharma, and thereby release our problems and troubles.

How to break our attachment to life and death?

If we can face and accept our mortality by applying the conceptof impermanence, and always prepare for it, we will be more detached when we or our loved ones die, and therefore suffer less.