
Reciting Sutras

- What Can We Do When We Encounter Demons or Ghosts? - Why Is Reciting Sutras Helpful for Non-Buddhists?

What Can We Do When We Encounter Demons or Ghosts?

The Hear Sutra and the Diamond Sutra illustrate the Buddhist concept of emptiness and non-existence, which is the key to......

Why Is Reciting Sutras Helpful for Non-Buddhists?

And what if a house is huanted by a foreign ghost?


How to cultivate compassion to become wisely compassionate

Compassion is both nature and nurture. We are all born with some degree of compassion, which should be tempered with reason, and nurtured like a seedling so it won't wither. And it will grow if...

The Meaning and Value of Life

In countless lifetimes, we live the consequences of our actions. For our life to have value and purpose, we should not blindly follow others in pursuing something, but should instead wisely pursue ...

Compassion as an Essential Element in Purifying the Mind

Compassion is the best prescription to purify our minds.