
Life and Death

How to Break Our Attachment to Life and Death

If we can face and accept our mortality by applying the concept of impermanence, and always prepare for it, we will be more detached when we or our loved ones die, and therefore suffer less.


The meaning and states of samadhi

In Chinese Samadhi is transliterated as "sanmei". Samadhi originally means meditative concentration, a state where that the mind and body, or the mind and the environment are one, and you...

Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom

Development of self {Stage 3: Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Wisdom} A wise person is master of the fine-tuned art of observing the rising and perishing of thoughts, allowing himsel...

How to cultivate compassion to become wisely compassionate

Compassion is both nature and nurture. We are all born with some degree of compassion, which should be tempered with reason, and nurtured like a seedling so it won't wither. And it will grow if...