
What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous?

- The correct way to view and care for our body to make use of it for spiritual practice
- What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous?
- What attitude we should have when facing the onslaught of disease?
- Mild illness is conducive to one's spiritual practice
- How does Buddhadharma help people with terminal illnesses?
- Learning to let go in life

The correct way to view and care for our body to make use of it for spiritual practice

Though Buddhism teaches us not to be attached to our physical body, it is a tool for the practice of the Way, a medium through which we cultivate wisdom. We should use it properly, and care for it by protecting our physical health through doing exercises, sitting meditation, or simply relaxing our body and mind at any time or place. 

What is the best way to keep healthy and vigorous

Regarding the key to longevity and good health, Buddhism teaches us to keep a serene mind, exercise regularly, live simply, and eat moderately. In addition, practice giving, and devote some time to volunteer work. Always keep a cheerful mind, embrace hope, and joyfully give of yourself for the good of all. Feel joyful even if you only have a second or two left to live. Be grateful for your life, and make good use of it. Adjust your body through a positive mindset.

What attitude we should have when facing the onslaught of disease

The "four sufferings" of birth, aging, sickness, and death are inevitable. While finding ways to adjust both our body and mind to improve our health, we should be aware and mentally prepared for disease and death. When our hour has come, we should set our mind at rest and go happily and joyfully to the Pure Land of Amitabha.

Mild illness is conducive to one's spiritual practice

As Buddhists, we must face reality, accept it, deal with it, and then let go of it. If the disease is curable, receive the treatment; if it's not, what more can we do? As long as we consult a doctor, there's always hope. If we don't do it, there's no hope. If we know we're sick and we face it calmly, then we'll feel at ease. After all, not every disease is fatal.

How does Buddhadharma help people with terminal illnesses?

If a person doesn't believe in religion, doesn't believe in Buddhism, then even if their physical body does not suffer, mentally they have no sense of security. When death is inevitable, accept it peacefully and lead a normal life with calm, while reciting Amitabha Buddha's name all the time entrusting our mind to the Western Pure Land.

Learning to let go in life

Human beings always hope for increase. Real addition means that, while one may be gaining more fame, status, power, and wealth, one should also grow in merit, wisdom, and compassion. Otherwise, it is like taking more and more money out of a bank account, with the account balance getting smaller and smaller.


The difference between Buddha and God

The difference betweeen Buddhism and Christianity is that Buddha is the believer's "teacher", while God is the believer's "master." 

The meaning and states of samadhi

In Chinese Samadhi is transliterated as "sanmei". Samadhi originally means meditative concentration, a state where that the mind and body, or the mind and the environment are one, and you...

How to transcend birth, aging, illness and death

Buddhism teaches that birth, aging, sickness, and death are all suffering in that they are changing, false image. Even when there is joy it is transient and not forever. To transcend samsara we sho...