Common questions

 There are many dos and don’ts in folk beliefs that are not orthodox Buddhism, but which are often mistakenly considered Buddhist taboos. For instance, in folk beliefs, it is not recommended...

 Some have said that it’s possible for a great practitioner to take on the karmic retribution of others with whom they have karmic affinity. For instance, during the Yunmen Monastery inciden...

 Buddhism does believe in the principle of karmic cause and effect, but it does not believe in predestined fate (jieshu). Cause and effect can be altered: the causes created in the past aided by t...

How should lay Buddhists set up an altar at home?

Setting up a Buddhist Altar at Home

 This is a frequently asked question, which also implies another question: Is it necessary for lay Buddhists to set up an altar at home? If so, how should they do it? The answer really depends on ...

How should Buddhists hold liturgy practices at home?

Feelings and Affection in Buddhist Life

 When doing liturgy practices at home, the main thing is to be consistent in doing it at fixed times. Ideally, the sessions should include making offerings, prostrating, meditating, reciting the B...

How does one avoid personal calamity and cultivate longevity?

Avoiding Calamity and Achieving Longevity

 In Buddhism, karmic causes and effects are natural forces working towards a balance in our lives. Disaster and good fortune are both forms of retribution based on the causes and effects of our ac...

 Yes, they should. But first, we should clearly distinguish between believing in Buddhism and worshipping deities and spirits as practiced in folk religions. Someone who believes and practices Bud...

 Yes, the usefulness of reciting mantras should be affirmed. A mantra is composed of special syllables, words, or phrases, which signify the power of certain buddhas, bodhisattvas, or deities [to ...

 This is an ambiguous question that can easily cause confusion. First of all, we basically agree with Confucius’ saying, “People can be taught to act, but not necessarily to understand...

Is it proper for lay people to receive gifts from monasteries?

Lay People Receiving Gifts from Monasteries

 According to the vinaya, the rules for monks and nuns, any item that has been offered to the monastery by the faithful “from everywhere,” cannot be used as a personal gift to others o...

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