Special Topics

Learning Buddhism with Delight, Without Lingering Doubts

Some may aspire to learn Buddhism, but then hesitate to take the leap of faith due to their psychological obstacles. So, why do we need to learn Buddhism, and how does it make our lives different? Let us break through the six major obstacles to learning Buddhism, and, in doing so, start walking the path of Buddhist practices. Thanks to the convenience of the Internet, many Buddhist organizations have their own websites that provide free video or audio Dharma talks, as well as free publicat...

Obstacle 1: Kindness in Mind is Sufficient

"Buddhism only advocates doing good deeds" is the stereotype held by many people, so it is their belief that as long as they have kindness in their mind, make frequent donations to charity organizations, take part in voluntary work and help others in need, that would be sufficient. What is there to learn in Buddhism? This is the most common obstacle in learning Buddhism for people. Although harboring kind thoughts, doing voluntary work etc., are very important, they do not equate...

Obstacle 2: A Lax Attitude Stemming from the Belief in not Forcing Unripened Causes and Conditions

Buddhists often talk about “causes and conditions”, but what does this concept truly mean? One might find Buddhadharma to have struck a chord in one’s heart, yet still hesitate to delve into the learning of Buddhadharma, always feeling one is “not ready” enough. So they tell themselves: “Buddhism stresses following causes and conditions; I shall therefore wait for the right causes and conditions to ripen, after which I will take up the study of Buddhism.&rd...

Obstacle 3: Doubts About Keeping the Precepts

Many people hesitate about learning Buddhism because they think that, after taking the three refuges, they also need to observe numerous precepts afterwards. However, the Buddha did not formulate the precepts as a constraint; instead, they are meant to help practitioners protect and guard their bodies, speech and mind. Understanding the spirit of the precepts, one will no longer see upholding them as an obstacle to Buddhist practice. Many are daunted by the requirement of having to follow ...

Obstacle 4: I'm Not Cut Out for Learning Buddhism

“Buddhist scriptures seem so abstruse, with so many baffling terminologies; perhaps I am just not cut out for learning Buddhism”. Many people presume that they are not intelligent enough to comprehend the teachings of Buddhist scriptures, let alone have the ability to fathom the profoundness of Buddhadharma. One cannot help but wonder: “Am I cut out for Buddhism and its teachings?”, thus missing out on the opportunity to be acquainted with Buddhaharma. When learning...

Obstacle 5: Doubt About the Benefits of Learning Buddhism

Some people might ask, “What are the benefits of learning Buddhism, and why do I need to practice Buddhism?” Most people want to find out why something is good, in what way it is beneficial, and what difference it can make. Therefore, it is only natural that many people would like to know: what are the benefits of learning Buddhism? The greatest benefit of learning Buddhism is that it helps us change our habitual patterns. As Dharma Drum Mountain founder Master Sheng Yen said i...

Obstacle 6: The Conceit That Happy People Do Not Need the Buddha’s Teaching

Some people believe: “since I am living a happy and comfortable life, why learn Buddhism”? Actually, for many people, this is exactly the obstacle to engaging in Buddhist practice. “I'm happy with my life, so why should I bother to learn Buddhism?” Perhaps you drive a top-end car, make tons of money for your company, and are steadily moving up your career ladder. You always shop for the best food items and clothing. Arriving home after work, you have a nice hot ...