Global Buddhist Community

Theravada Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism

Qestions: Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, you're an eminent Theravada Buddhist monk who has abundant knowledge in Chinese Buddhism. You are also currently the president of the Buddhist Association of the United States. In your opinion, how can these two traditions (Theravada Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism) compliment and learn from each other? And, how can we transcend the barriers between various Buddhist traditions and schools?   There are two tendencies in Buddhism discernibl...

The power of vow

Qestions: The power of vow constitutes an important element in Mahayana Buddhist teaching. Is there any similar teaching in Theravada Buddhism? What is your interpretation about the idea of the power of vow?   Bhikkhu Bodhi, BB: In the canonical texts of Early Buddhism, very little is said about making vows for attainment of a goal in future lives. Perhaps the only aspiration explicitly endorsed is that made by monks who go forth into the homeless life with the wish: "By this ...

Path of Bodhisattva

Question: Besides the Path of Liberation, Theravada Buddhism also teaches about the Path of Bodhisattva. According to your study, what are the differences between the ideas of the Path of Bodhisattva as taught in Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism? What are their respective flavors? Which informs your choice of practice, and why?    BB: In the oldest texts of Early Buddhism, nothing is said about a distinct bodhisattva path. In those texts, the goal the Buddha holds...