DDM Global News

Coming Home to the Buddha - Online Refuge-Taking Ceremony on 4/18

Venerable Guo Yuan, Abbot of Dharma Drum Retreat Center, will once again perform an online refuge-taking ceremony and transmit the Five Precepts at 1 pm, April 18 (North American Pacific Time) right after the regular Sunday Meditation Group Session.

Interested participants please reach out by email at 
[email protected] for instructions and form to fill out in order to participate. Witnessing of this auspicious feat are welcome from all. 

To see thoughts from participants in the first online ceremony, please visit here.


Guo Yuan Fashi

Guo Yuan Fashi is a Buddhist monk trained in Chan Buddhism. In 1985 he first encountered Master Sheng Yen's teachings while attending a seven-day retreat in New York. He then decided to become a disciple before finally leaving his job in Toronto, Canada, to become a monk in the Chan tradition. He was ordained in 1987 in Taiwan. For over twenty years, he accompanied and became translator to Master Sheng Yen in various Chan meditation retreats in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Mexico.

Extended Learning

1. E-book: Why Take Refuge in the Three Jewels 

2. Video:

The First Step into the Door of Buddhism: Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels